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Roud-shaped woodbasin ATLAS is manufactured from massive-woode - oak, in standard surface treatment we offer 30% shine of the lacquer. This product is installed on the counter top. We are able to supply the countertop in wood based on your specification.

price on request


The structure of the wood of this basin is in vertical direction, this product is suited for intallation on counter top. Standard product is with 30% shine of the lacquer.

price on request


This washbasin is part of the countertop, where the structure of the wood is in horizontal direction. Standard size washbasin MEROPE is in basic dimensions of 800 mm length, 500 mm depth and 150 mm height. Along with the standard size product we offer production of this woodbasin for atypical countertops for bathrooms, including L shaped offer with adjustable dimensions and shape.

price on request